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The commitment of the PensPlan Profi Ethical Life Cycle Open Pension Fund is now demonstrated by its first contribution to social support and development initiatives: Banca Etica has chosen as a beneficiary the “FondazioneAlice Onlus”, a charitable organisation founded in Tuscany’s Casentino Valley by Simone Ciulli, president of the foundation and father of Alice.


Our Company was established in 2000 in Bolzano as part of the ‘pensplan’ project, promoted in 1997 as a public initiative for the promotion and development of a complementary pension fund in the Trentino – South Tyrol Region. The same nature of the plan has characterized the company over the years for the skills acquired in the social security sector in general, for its ability to be a valid interlocutor of institutional entities in charge of assets meant to pursue precise statutory purposes.


Circular Value expresses the institutional mandate of Euregio+’s commitment to the promotion of financial investments from the territory in favor of the territory. Stakeholders have since ever believed that generating Circular Value supports healthy and exponential growth with guaranteed overall satisfaction. The Concept of Circular Value expresses our strategic intention to highlight the positive aspects of investment management for the benefit of our territory.


The company has founded or promoted the establishment of the three pension funds in the Trentino South Tyrol Region as part of the ‘pensplan’ supplementary pension development project.

The Profi Fund is an open-ended pension fund promoted and developed in collaboration with the six trade associations that make up the Süditiroler Wirtschaftsring.